Cuaderno de retazos

Situ Qi

Situ Qi, another name Cangcheng, from Kaiping county. His father Situ Mei (name Dongbu) is administrative student of Yiyou science in Qing Dynasty (1909). In early ages, Situ Qi copied the calligraphy and painting collections of his father and loved painting very much as well. After he graduated from western painting department of Guangzhou City-level Academy of Fine Arts,
When Situ Qi entered Chinese art, his work WIFE OF ACTOR was selected as the first-grade and was color painted on the first page of the Excellent Selections of the 1st National Art Exhibition which is spread  and accepted in domestic and foreign countries.

2 comentarios »

  1. Hermosos motivos chinos.
    Desde Chile.

    Me gusta

    Comentarios por Francisco Vidal — 16 febrero, 2012 @ 0:51

  2. me gusta esa simplilcidad de sus pinturas

    Me gusta

    Comentarios por virginia parra — 28 junio, 2013 @ 3:18

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